Ajaran Karma Phala Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-Hari Perspektif Susastra Hindu

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Ni Luh Terena


The teaching of Karma phala is a key idea in the other worlds of Hinduism and Buddhism that outlines standard circumstances and logical outcomes in an individual's life. In its truest sense, karma means activity or action, while phala refers to the results or consequences of that activity. This idea expresses that every activity carried out by a person, whether thought, word, or deed, has a proportional effect or effect. Consequently, Karma phala depicts that people will face the consequences of their activities, either in this life or the next life in resurrection, as per Hindu beliefs. Karma phala also provides the understanding that humans have control over their own destiny through their activities, and that good views and activities can bring goodness in the future, while bad mentalities and activities will bring less positive results. An important rule of Karma phala is that previous activities have an impact on one's current and future circumstances and encounters. This includes a moral standpoint, but also impacts one's karma, life conditions, and otherworldly satisfactions. Various Hindu literature contains data about how humans behave so it is very good to use as a guide for receiving Karma phala lessons. This article aims to provide a reasonable understanding of the concept of Karma phala in everyday life, describing the relationship between activities, results and individual obligations in living life.

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How to Cite
Ni Luh Terena. (2023). Ajaran Karma Phala Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-Hari Perspektif Susastra Hindu. WIDYALAYA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 3(3), 405-413. Retrieved from http://jurnal.ekadanta.org/index.php/Widyalaya/article/view/462


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