Penyuluhan Peranan Perempuan Hindu Dalam Keluarga Sebagai Strategi Menuju Keluarga Sukinah Pada WHDI Kota Malang
The Indonesian Hindu Dharma Women's Organization was founded in 1976, has an organizational structure from the central level to the district/city, sub-district level and even down to the village and sub-district levels. The term of office of the Women Hindu Dharma (WHDI) management is five years, both central and regional management. Like the WHDI organization in Malang City. The existence of WHDI Malang City is in a multicultural society, namely a society consisting of various different religions, ethnicities, cultures and customs, so that the challenges of this organization are quite difficult in guiding its citizens in building family life whether related to yadnya, children's education in family and in community life. To avoid undesirable things, WHDI Malang City needs to receive counseling regarding the role of Hindu women both in the family and society through service carried out by the STAHN Postgraduate. Mpu Kuturan Singaraja. Service is carried out by providing counseling related to the role of Hindu women in the family and society, the role of Hindu women in accordance with the teachings of Hinduism, both the role of women in the Hindu Family, Swadharma of Women in the Vedas, the Obligations of Women in society and the role of women in facing society 5.0, so that Hindu women can understand their role in the family and be able to play an active role in maintaining harmony in the family and society.