Fotografi Sebagai Media Komunikasi Visual Dalam Promosi Budaya

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I Gusti Agung Ngurah Agung Yudha Pramiswara


With advances in technology, nowadays almost all of humanity has access to cameras in their hands, this is supported by the increasingly advanced and increasingly sophisticated mobile phones or smartphones with various features, one of which is the photography feature. Photography is basically an art of painting with light, so the light factor is the most important element in the art of photography. But in today's era of technological advancements where everyone has access to a camera and can take photos, the majority of people do not understand the definition of photography as an art,

Photography is also a form of visual communication where through the photos produced there is a form of conveying a message from the photographer to the person who sees the photo. Based on the background above, the writer tries to see how the role of photography in the process of conservation and promotion of culture, so that photography returns to its essence not only as a form of documentation but also as a form of visual communication that gives cultural messages to people who see the photos. the.

In the midst of progress and the era of globalization that is so massive, photography is considered as one of the effective ways to promote a form of culture in the midst of the advancement of information technology today, where social media is very easy to be accessed by all people in the world.

then we can conclude that the important role of photography as a medium of visual communication to promote all forms of culture. This can also indirectly protect and conserve these cultural forms so that they do not experience extinction. In addition, through photography, a culture can be promoted throughout the world, which represents a cultural character of a nation in the world.


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How to Cite
Pramiswara, I. G. A. N. A. Y. (2021). Fotografi Sebagai Media Komunikasi Visual Dalam Promosi Budaya. Danapati: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 1(2), 126-138. Retrieved from


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