Kajian Nilai Nilai Karakter Dalam Teks Wraspati Tattwa

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Ketut Artawan


Wraspati tatwa is a Hindu religion that contains divine teachings, educational values, ethical values, perfect yoga teachings, values of the path of union with Brahman. The definition of Wraspati tattwa is the fifth day of Pancawara, the teaching service for the province of Bali dati I Bali, tt: 36-76 Bagawan Wraspati is a teacher of the gods who was blessed after receiving teachings from the highest iswara god. In a book based on tattwa Sad Darsana says that tattwa it means the absolute truth (I Gede Sura, tt: 24) Wraspati Tattwa is an ancient Javanese script that is realistic in which it explains the divine mythology of Hinduism so that it is easy to understand., aspects of the tri purusa, consisting of Shiva, Sadaswa and Parama Shiva, maya, the process of creation, the three uses, the six stages of yoga, all teach the reality of the perfect self. In the study of Wrasppati tattwa, there is an underlying basis that births are different based on the use and karma wasana they are born with. If born from heaven, they will be born as good children, while children born from hell will be born as bad children. bad character depends on the yoni of each birth, it all boils down to the karma phala. The results of good karma have an influence on the innate nature of good character and vice versa.

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How to Cite
Ketut Artawan. (2022). Kajian Nilai Nilai Karakter Dalam Teks Wraspati Tattwa. ŚRUTI: Jurnal Agama Hindu, 2(2), 146-151. Retrieved from https://jurnal.ekadanta.org/index.php/sruti/article/view/162


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