Upacara Perkawinansoroh Nyuung Bujangga Di Desa Pakraman Lokaserana, Desa Siangan, Gianyar (Perspektif Pendidikan Agama Hindu)
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The Hindu people in Bali believe that there are four stages of life which will be passed through the cycles of human beings; they are brahmacari, grehasta, wanaprasta, and bhiksuka (sanyasin). Amongst those phases, a marriage is comprised within the second stage of human evolution (grehasta). In regards to marriage especially performed by sorohNyuung, Bujangga is still heavily imbued with traditions inherited by the ancestors. The rituals of soroh marriage highlight the differences compared to the other Hindu people due to the fact that sorohNyuungBujangga marriage has a certain value that makes it unique and therefore calls for further research. The main factor that makes it unique is that the marriage is conducted secretively and not to be perceived by the people who are present during the ritual including the custom bearers who act as the prime witness of the ritual to pronounce whether the marriage is valid or not. Within this thesis, there are three main issues to be discussed in details; they are (1)How is the procession of the marriage for sorohNyuungBujangga in DesaPakramanLokaserana, Siangan village, Gianyar subdistrict, Gianyar regency? (2)What is the main function of the marriage for sorohNyuungBujangga in DesaPakramanLokaserana, Siangan village, Gianyar subdistrict, Gianyar regency? (3)What are the educational values reflected in the marriage of sorohNyuungBujangga in DesaPakramanLokaserana, Siangan village, Gianyar subdistrict, Gianyar regency?The research itself is implementing the qualitative method. The method of collecting the data is conducted via observations, interviews, and book researches. The data validity is attained by executing the triangulation technique. The subjects of the research are selected based on purporsivemethod.The researcher acts as the main instrument with the help of interviews, camera and stationary items. After the verification is completed, the data is analyzed by applying the relevant theories such as functional theory, structural theory, and the value theory.
The finding of the research shows that the model of Soroh Nyuung Bujangga marriage ritual is divided into three phases; they are the opening, the main event, and the closing. The marriage ritual of soroh Nyuung Bujangga has several functions ; like the purification, the clearance of debts, the complementing duties of parents towards their children, the reproduction of offsprings of soroh Nyuung Bujangga and the legalization of status of a marriage. The educational values reflected within the marriage of soroh Nyuung Bujangga are religious value, ethical value, social value, communication value, and the traditional upholding value and the happiness value. The religius value is the marriage itself (samskara vivaha) in which it is the confirmation of the marriage through three ritual phases (the opening, the main event, and the closing). The ethical value is the guidance for human beings to lead life within the expected norms and ethics. The social value is the act of showing compassions and friendship towards others because humans can not live alone. The communication value is to give understanding via communication so that the goal of a marriage can be accomplised. On the other hand, the traditional upholding value is meant to preserve traditions, to maintain the local cultures inherited from the ancestors.
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