Nilai Didaktis Tradisi Nunas Tirtha Di Pura Tirtha Maji Desa Depeha, Kecamatan Kubutambahan, Kabupaten Buleleng

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I Putu Ngurah Restiada
I Gede Suwindia
I Nyoman Raka


Balinese Hindus pay great attention to and appreciate the water problem, both for the sake of eternal and niskala life. Even water in the form of tirtha occupies a vital and strategic position in Hindu worship. Likewise, the people of Depeha Village view water as an entity that must be present in their yadnya as a blessing and a gift. In carrying out any yadnya ceremony, the people of Depeha Village always ask for (nunas) tirtha at Patirthan, namely Tirtha Maji Temple. The Nunas Tirtha tradition is a religious ritual that is full of didactic functions and values. Based on the problems and findings above, the researcher is interested in studying specifically in the form of (1) structure, (2) didactic function, and (3) didactic value in the Nunas Tirtha Tradition at Tirtha Maji Temple.The purpose and benefits of this research are to provide understanding and knowledge about the Nunas Tirtha Tradition at Tirtha Maji Temple, the theories used are Religious Theory from Emile Durkheim, Structural Functional Theory from Talcot Parsons, and Value Theory from Max Scheler. The techniques used in obtaining the data are observation, interviews, literature studies and documentation and analyzed by data triangulation techniques in order to obtain valid and holistic conclusions.

The results of the analysis of this study can be described as follows: The structure of the Nunas Tirtha tradition is related to elements related to (1) background, (2) place and time, (3) facilities and infrastructure, (4) parties involved , (5) the procession of the Nunas Tirtha tradition, and (6) the code of conduct and ethics of the Nunas Tirtha tradition. The didactic functions of the Nunas Tirtha Tradition at Tirha Maji Temple include: (1) Religious Functions, (2) Normative Functions (3) Social Functions, (4) Legitimacy Functions, (5) Transformation and Sublimation Functions, (6) Cultural Conservation and Transfer Functions , (7) Management Function, and (8) Ecology Function. The didactic values ​​(education) in the Nunas Tirtha Tradition at Tirha Maji Temple are: (1) Religious Education Values, (2) Normative Education Values, (3) Social Education Values, (4) Legitimacy Education Values, (5) Educational Values Transformation and Sublimation, (6) Educational Value of Conservation and Cultural Transfer (7) Value of Management Education, and (8) Value of Ecological Education.

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How to Cite
I Putu Ngurah Restiada, I Gede Suwindia, & I Nyoman Raka. (2022). Nilai Didaktis Tradisi Nunas Tirtha Di Pura Tirtha Maji Desa Depeha, Kecamatan Kubutambahan, Kabupaten Buleleng. ŚRUTI: Jurnal Agama Hindu, 2(2), 166-172. Retrieved from


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