Students’ Perception On Animated Film As A Media To Teach Writing Narrative Text

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Ni Wayan Sari Utami


This study aimed at identifying students’ perception on the use of animated film as a media to teach writing narrative text and finding out the reasons why the animated film can help the students to write a narrative text. The subjects of the study were the tenth grade students at one of the state senior high schools in Tabanan Regency, Bali. This study involved 121 students which were selected using quota sampling from the total 172 students. The researcher collected the data of the study using closed ended and open ended questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitative data were analyzed using interactive data analysis while the quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the study showed that the students had positive perception toward the use of animated film as a media to teach writing narrative text. There were various reasons why the animated film can help the students to write a narrative text. First, the animated film helps the students to collect the needed vocabulary. Second, animated films could help the students get an idea of to be developed as a narrative text. With animated films, students could see the story's characters directly, which makes them easier to understand the story. By understanding the story better, the students could get an idea of what they would write. Third, the students did not get bored quickly by using animated films because it was quite interesting for them.

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How to Cite
Ni Wayan Sari Utami. (2021). Students’ Perception On Animated Film As A Media To Teach Writing Narrative Text. WIDYALAYA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2(1), 58-68. Retrieved from


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