Unsur-Unsur Etnopedagogi Dalam Perayaan Hari Suci Tumpek Wariga Untuk Membentuk Karakter Religius Siswa SD No. 1 Beratan Kecamatan Buleleng

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Putu Budiarta
I Putu Gede Parmajaya
I Wayan Gata


This research aims to: (1) determine the procession of celebrating the holy day of Tumpek Wariga, (2) the application of Ethnopedagogy for celebrating the holy day of Tumpek Wariga and (3) find out the elements of Ethnopedagogy that can shape the character of students at SD No. 1 Weight. This phenomenon was researched based on Bali government policy through the Bali Governor's Circular Letter (SE) No. 4 of 2022 concerning the Order or Procedures of Balinese life based on the values ​​of local wisdom Sad Kerthi in the new era of Bali, namely efforts to reorganize Bali's natural preservation, with the aim of avoiding the possibility of global warming. The order of life that is connected and integrated in nature in a Niskala and Sekala manner comes from the local wisdom values ​​of Sad Kerthi, namely the six sources of prosperity and life. The method used is a phenomenological approach in order to identify ethnopedagogical symptoms which are integrated into Balinese local wisdom with Tumpek Wariga material. Data sources were explored through observation and interviews, using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, and data triangulation data checking. Research results: (1) Tumpek Wariga holy day procession preparation of facilities (2) Implementation inviting students to carry out the tumpek wariga ritual. Application of Ethnopedagogy (1) Sradha education as a strong foundation for believing in Hindu teachings, (2) Ethical/moral education educates and guides students about behavioral values, religious norms, legal norms, manners and manners, (3) Moral education in the form of moral knowledge (moral knowing), understanding (moral feeling) and moral behavior (moral action), (4) Education with an environmental perspective, as a basis for attitude and behavior. Elements of Ethnopedagogy that can shape student character (1) Education of Attitudes to Obedient towards Hindu religious teachings, and behavior is always guided by and adhering to religious teachings. The implementation of religious attitudes is religious values ​​which are values ​​that are guided by religious teachings, especially those related to divine aspects.

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How to Cite
Putu Budiarta, I Putu Gede Parmajaya, & I Wayan Gata. (2023). Unsur-Unsur Etnopedagogi Dalam Perayaan Hari Suci Tumpek Wariga Untuk Membentuk Karakter Religius Siswa SD No. 1 Beratan Kecamatan Buleleng. WIDYALAYA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 4(1), 30-38. Retrieved from https://jurnal.ekadanta.org/index.php/Widyalaya/article/view/256


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