Implementasi Ajaran Tri Parartha Pada Sistem Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Hindu di SD Negeri 4 Sanur, Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar
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Tri Parartha comes from the words 'Tri' which means three and 'Parartha' which means happiness, prosperity, safety, greatness and joy. SoTri Parartha means three things that can lead to the realization of perfection, happiness, safety, prosperity, majesty and joy in human life. The factors causing the implementation of Tri Parartha teachings in third grade students at SD Negeri 4 Sanur, South Denpasar District, Denpasar City consist of several factors, namely curriculum factors, committee factors, parent factors and Hindu religious education teachers. Meanwhile, external factors are external factors that can influence the implementation of the Tri Parartha teachings which include: (1) government factors, (2) Hindu religious institutional factors, (3) Balinese traditional community factors. The strategies applied in implementing the Tri Parartha teachings are: (1) Personal learning strategies which in the process involve an approach to each student, including a heart-to-heart approach, assignment and evaluation methods; (2) Group learning strategy, namely, a learning strategy that requires cooperation between students in the form of small groups or large groups. The implications of implementing the Tri Parartha teachings are several benefits, namely, (1) scientific benefits, meaning that the Tri Parartha teachings include several other Hindu religious teachings, namely moral teachings; (2) social benefits, meaning that the teachings of Tri Parartha are things that have a positive impact on students' thinking regarding relationship patterns and behavior in the social order of life, both customary and cultural; (3) Educational benefits, meaning that Tri Parartha teachings can provide education for students as a guide to achieving harmony and happiness in their lives.
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