Tradisi Tulud Apuh Kepemimpinan Desa Kalih Likur Desa Adat Depeha Kecamatan Kubutambahan Kabupaten Buleleng (Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Sosial Budaya)
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The aim of this research is to explore information about community reorganization in Traditional Villages in a tradition called Tulud Apuh. The ancestral traditions that have been held until now contain socio-religious values. Tulud apuh is a transitional-organizational method, which aims to regenerate the leadership of Kalih Likur Village, which is part of the Depeha Traditional Village. The method used is a phenomenological approach, with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, document recording and documentation with the technique of validating data triangulation findings. The results of this research are: (1) Tulud Apuh is a tradition of changing or changing management or leadership positions based on seniority, (2) Forms of leadership are required to make ceremonial equipment called perkah, and (3) The value of socio-cultural education contained in the Tulud Apuh tradition, (a) the value of social religious education, (b) social organization and system education, (c) language education, (d) the value of knowledge system education, and (5) the value of arts education as a preservation effort. cultural products.
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