Tradisi Nawur Penempuh Pada Sasih Kanem di Desa Adat Suwug Kecamatan Sawan Kabupaten Buleleng
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This research aims to: (1) The background of the Nawur Penempuh tradition and the literary sources of the Nawur Penempuh tradition, (2) The views of the outside community towards the Nawur Penempuh tradition, (3) Hindu religious teachings in the Nawur Penempuh tradition. The theories used to analyze this problem are: (1) Structural Functional Theory, (2) Behaviorist Theory, (3) Value Theory. This research is qualitative research using a phenomenological approach. The results of the research state that: (1) the background of the nawur penempuh tradition in the Suwug Traditional Village is that women from the Suwug Traditional Village who marry outside the Suwug Traditional Village are obliged to carry it out but are not forced to carry it out and the implementation of the nawur penempuh can later be carried out by their descendants to avoid disaster. in the form of household disharmony, illness and Hindu religious literary sources which become a reference for the Nawur Penempuh tradition include Pararem and Manawadharmasastra Chapter IV Sloka 21, (2) Views of the outside community towards the Nawur Penempuh tradition including economically and in noetic terms, (3) Religious Teachings Hinduism in the Nawur tradition is the value of religious education, the value of religious education and the value of ethical education, the value of mutual cooperation, the value of kinship, the value of clan equality, and the sacred value.
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Denpasar: Pustaka Bali Post.
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